
It is peace of mind to know that you are appropriately insured. Often it is difficult to understand or evaluate the various offers available on the insurance market.

EXPAT SWISS Tax Return can provide an objective review of your different insurances (e.g. health insurance, home insurance, contents insurance, liability insurance, income insurance, life insurance) and your level of financial protection. We can check existing contracts to see if there are possibilities to reduce premiums and also see if there is any double up on insurance coverage. We also constantly evaluate new or interesting offers so as to best advise our clients in terms of their individual insurance needs.

Our services include:

  • Comprehensive insurance consultation
  • Exclusion of double insurances
  • Identification and coverage of insurance gaps
  • Assessment of insurance premiums and coverage

All suggestions from the EXPAT SWISS Tax Return advisers are free of obligation. There is no fee for the consultation and the client is free to consider the recommendations without commitment.

We would be glad to discuss anytime and can be contacted for advice or to organise an appointment.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Henry Ford
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